Founded in 1983, Keller Williams Realty, Inc. is an international real estate company with more than 600 offices located across the United States and Canada. The company began franchising in 1991, and following years of phenomenal growth and success, became the largest U.S. residential real estate firm in North America by agent count in 2013. The company has succeeded by treating its associates as partners and shares its knowledge, policy control and company profits on a system-wide basis.
Created as a grand experiment, Keller Williams operates on the premise that if the company focuses all its resources on building its agents’ businesses, the agents in turn will build the company beyond all expectations. With that philosophy, we are reshaping the global industry landscape. Today, more than 139,000 associates and over 790 market centers across the globe are affiliated with Keller Williams. And, we want you to be part of the family!
At the core of Keller Williams Realty, Inc. is a conviction that who you are in business with matters. We believe that the company we keep can contribute to our lives in untold ways. To help cement this understanding, we’ve formalized a belief system called the WI4C2TS that guides how we treat each other and how we do business.
Short for “Renew, Energize and Donate,” RED Day was created to unite Keller Williams Realty, Inc. offices and associates in an international day of service. Since RED Day began in 2009, Keller Williams associates participated in activities ranging from food and blood drives to cleaning up trash in public parks, doing yard work for neighbors in need or revamping gardens at nursing homes and have donated over 500,000 volunteer hours through the May 2012 event. Hours are being tabulated for the 2013 event. For more information about the charities or KELLER WILLIAMS® METROPOLITAN office, call us at (713) 621-8001.
Keller Williams operates on the premise that if the company focuses all its resources on building its agents’ businesses, the agents in turn will build the company beyond all expectations. With that philosophy, we are reshaping the global industry landscape.